3-12, Critical Thinking, Multiple Intelligences, Problem Solving, Websites

Piece of Mind

Following along with yesterday’s post on Brain Games, KB Connected brought another site to my attention that allows you learn more about the way the mind works.  This one, Piece of Mind, uses flash-based games in order to help you “train your brain” in the areas of Memory, Attention, Executive Function, Logic & Reasoning, and Visual Perception.  My favorite game was “Triplets”, which is similar to the card game, “Set.”  I did horribly on “Face It” – mostly because it took me a few minutes to figure out what I was doing.
The site appears to be a work in progress, as some of the links do not lead to anything, and it advertises that more games will be “coming soon.”  It will be interesting to see what is added in the coming months.