5-8, 6-12, Art, Creative Thinking, Education, Fun Friday

Is String Art Making a Comeback?

String art fascinated me as a child.  Creating circles out of straight lines of thread seemed so delightfully oxymoronic that I would mesmerize myself for hours doing it over and over again.  Since the only string art projects I did came from kits bought at the local hobby store, there wasn’t a lot of creativity embedded into my “art.” Like most people, I confined myself to following instructions, and never considered constructing my own designs.

I'm pretty sure this exact masterpiece used to hang in our living room.
I’m pretty sure this exact masterpiece used to hang in our living room. Image from: Darwin Bell on Flickr

In the last week, however, I’ve found articles about three different artists who would scoff at my string art portfolio.

Julian Saluud makes "cave paintings" using fluorescent string.
Julian Saluud makes “cave paintings” using fluorescent string.
Zenyk Palagniuk used 13,000 nails to make a portrait of a famous entertainer
Zenyk Palagniuk used 13,000 nails to make a portrait of a famous entertainer.
Son Lux animated the video for "Change is Everything" using pins and thread.
Son Lux animated the video for “Change is Everything” using pins and thread.

Now I realize just how unimaginative I’ve been all of these years.

If I was really creative, I  would have made a wall-sized owl with big lips using fluorescent string.

Another missed opportunity for fame and fortune.

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