Education, Parenting


I should probably say that I have mixed feelings about Thrively.  I really like the concept but, for reasons I will explain later in this post, I can’t recommend it for public school classrooms.  As a parent, however, I think it offers great resources.

Thrively is a website where students can take a free strengths assessment.  Based on the results, you will receive suggestions for ways to maximize those strengths: inspirational videos, local clubs and events that would appeal to the student’s special interests,  apps, and activities to try at home.

The service is free, but there is a more detailed Strengths Roadmap that is offered for $19.99.

My 12-year-old daughter took the assessment.  It was pretty long, but not tedious.  There were some multimedia questions and definitely some that required thought before responding.

The results of my daughter’s assessment were enlightening for both of us, and it was exciting to see all of the suggested resources that we could use to help her to pursue her passions, several of which were new to me.

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There is an EDU version of Thrively, and a teacher can get details on an entire class of students.  However, some districts and parents might not want that kind of information gathered on children.  Also, some of the suggested activities include religious ones, which is one reason that I wouldn’t recommend Thrively for a public school setting.

The way I see using this is to share it with the parents of my students as a tool that they might want to use to learn more about their children and opportunities to enrich them in areas of interest.

You can view a brief informational video about Thrively below (or at this link)

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