3-12, Education, Games, Geography, Social Studies, Websites

Pick the Real U.S. States

My 1st graders are learning a little geography at the moment as they program their Dash robot to hunt for treasure amongst the continents.  As I was looking for some supplemental resources, I ran across this brain-twisting quiz from Mental Floss.  It’s deceptively difficult.  The concept is simple: select all of the states from the list without making a mistake.  I was doing good until I accidentally tapped “North York.”

If you want your students to play this in class, you might want to use the Page Eraser Chrome extension to take care of the distracting ads.  If you play it at home all on your own, I would keep the ads so you can blame them every time you mess up 🙂

Pick the Real US States from Mental Floss
Pick the Real US States from Mental Floss

2 thoughts on “Pick the Real U.S. States”

  1. This was fun-thank you for sharing! I was second-guessing even like West Virginia because they were putting the North, South, etc. in front of the wrong state names! 🙂

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