K-12, Math

Clear the Board

Are you looking for a fun math game to play with your kids or students at home?  “Clear the Board” might be just the ticket.  Mark Esch (@mtesch) recently tweeted out the link to his humorous video that explains how to play “Clear the Board.” It is surprisingly simple with few materials needed – and lots of fun potential.

Teachers who are currently trying to get your students engaged in math remotely could try this in several ways: during a synchronous class meeting, assigned with the video to play at home and directions for demonstrating what they’ve achieved with their own combination of numbers, or something like the fun idea below from Mrs. Bogar:

“Clear the Board” is one of those activities that is easy to differentiate, as Mark Esch explains in “Clear the Board Part 2,” offering extensions to keep students challenged. (Can you figure out which famous SNL skit he and his partner are parodying in this one?)

Mark also tweeted some other suggestions:

For an activity that is similar to this, check out “Bowl-a-Fact” from YouCubed.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

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