K-12, Math

Same but Different Math

Same But Different Math encourages students to think about and discuss how two images might have the same value but different visual representations. It helps students to make connections and develop their own mathematical reasoning skills rather than to rely solely on rules that require memorization. You can find the 6-Step Protocol for discussion here. Though the concept seems simple, it can lead to much deeper thinking, and there are examples in the top menu for students in Kindergarten through high school.

Same But Different Math reminds me of Which One Doesn’t Belong? Though the latter is more open-ended, and might even lead you to conversations outside of math, WODB tasks can also promote valuable discussions among classmates that help to develop lasting memories they can continue to build upon.

For more math sites that depart from learning and practicing algorithms, check out my post, “15 Math Sites that Won’t Make You Fall Asleep.”

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