Depth and Complexity, Education, K-5, Parenting, Student Products

GT Frames for Mothers

I absolutely LOVE this idea from Miss Trayers at Not Just Child’s Play.  She asked her young students to use some of Margaret Kaplan’s Depth and Complexity icons in a frame centered on their moms.  As soon as I saw it, I knew I needed to try it with my own first grade GT students.  I broke out our Depth and Complexity stamps, and they went to town.  You should have seen the look on one boy’s face when I asked the class to use  Multiple Perspectives to think about what it would be like to be a mom.  It’s a good bet that’s never been at the top of his list of goals!  For more examples, you can click here.

Rules – She has to be awesome.  She has to be nice.  She has to be cool.  Big Idea – She helps me feel better (I’m not absolutely sure what the other part says.)  Multiple Perspectives – Hard because you have to clean and do chores.  Being Bossy.  Language of the Discipline – I love you.  How was your day?  You’re a good kid.

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