Creative Thinking, K-12, Science

Peep Your Science

I must admit that I enjoy a good pun every once in awhile – though some may argue that “good pun” is a contradiction in terms. Regardless, the people at The Open Notebook appear to have a sense of humor along with an appreciation for science, prompting them to host a “Peep Your Science” contest for 3 years in a row. Inviting entrants to submit science-themed dioramas featuring something nearly as passionately loved or hated as puns – marshmallow Peeps – this contest demonstrates how enthusiastic creators of all ages are about science and/or dioramas and/or sugary, pastel-colored candy.

You and your students can see the 2021 entries in all their glory (and vote for your favorites), from Jane Goodall Studying Chimpeeps to the Peeprona-19 Vaccination Clinic by clicking on the links near the bottom of this page. Challenge your students to see what they know about each scientific reference, to make a timeline of Peep-o-ramas, or to design their own. I think we all need a tad more light-heartedness right about now, and a glimpse of a Peepriodic Table is just what this not-a-medical-doctor-in-real-life-or-any-parallel-universe-ever has ordered.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

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