Education, Fun Friday, K-12, Motivation, Parenting, Philosophy, Teaching Tools, Videos

Lollipop Moments

Regular readers know that my Friday posts are usually reserved for less serious matters – Lego masterpieces or April Fool’s Day fun, for example.  But I’m going to deviate from my typical Phun Phriday post today.

Lollipop Moments

I subscribe to A.J. Juliani’s digital magazine, “The Best and Next in Education.”  In the most recent issue, Kyle Pace has an article called, “Creating More ‘Lollipop’ Moments.”  He referenced a TEDx Toronto video presented by Drew Dudley.  You should definitely watch the 6-minute video.  I promise it will make you smile 🙂

Dudley’s video reminds me of another video that I’ve mentioned on this blog – presented by Mark Bezos.  Both videos remind us that we often change lives without realizing it – that our small gestures can sometimes make a surprisingly huge difference.

Kyle Pace’s article and the “Lollipop Video” resonated deeply with me because I had just experienced my own “Lollipop Moment” the day before.

On Wednesday, my 4th grade GT students were doing a Multiple Intelligences activity that began with them circling any career that appealed to them on a page of suggestions.  I walked by one student, and noticed that he had circled “Teacher” (and written “GT” next to it), along with several others – including “Lawyer.”  I smiled at him and said, “You know teachers don’t make nearly as much money as lawyers.”

“I can tell you don’t do it for the money,” he said.  “You love your job.”

The other students around him chimed in that they could tell I love my job, too.

They had no idea, but those students just gave me enough fuel to last at least another decade of teaching.

As teachers, we often find ourselves passing out many “lollipops” that seem to go unnoticed and unappreciated.  It’s hard to tell ourselves that we are making a difference even though we might never witness the positive effects of our efforts.  So, when students or parents, or anyone in the community, hand us our own “lollipop,” it goes a long way.

I told that student how much his comment meant to me, and I also e-mailed his mother.

The thing is, we need to not only pass out our own lollipops, but thank the people who give them away.  We also need to stop believing that it is only the grand gestures made by a small percentage of exceptionally talented people that change the world. Normal people living everyday commonplace lives do far more to make this world a better place.

(For more inspirational videos, you can check out my Pinterest Boards: Inspirational Videos for Teachers and Inspirational Videos for Students.)