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Eyes on the Stars

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StoryCorps just posted a new short animated video that is incredibly inspirational and moving. “Eyes on the Stars” tells us about the perseverance and pioneering spirit of Ronald McNair, one of the seven astronauts killed in the Challenger explosion, as told by his brother.  There are so many lessons that your students can glean from this less-than-4-minutes video: the importance of reading, standing up against adversity, pursuing your dreams, civil rights, etc…

I had been thinking about writing a post about the StoryCorps animations for awhile, but hadn’t found one, yet, that I was ready to integrate into my classroom.  “Eyes on the Stars” was just published, and I’ve already seen it featured on two of my favorite blogs:  “It’s Okay to Be Smart” and “Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day.”  You can view more StoryCorps animations here.  As always, I recommend that you view the videos before showing them to your students and/or children.

You can also see more Inspirational Videos for Students on my Pinterest board.

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