3-5, 5-8, Language Arts, Websites, Writing

The Amazing Word Tamer

This is an awesome site brought to you by author Judy Waite.  It is designed to immerse students in the writing experience through interactive experiences that introduce them to:  plot, genre, character, and settings.  In her own words, “I wanted to utilise all the benefits that image, sound and animation can bring, connect this with creative exercises that have been proven to enhance children’s creative writing skills, and package it with a work of fiction that would support all these aspects.” I guarantee it will appeal to your students’ imaginations and enhance their writing.

5-8, Independent Study, Math, Videos, Websites

Math Moves U

This website is fun to visit for the graphics alone!  It is sponsored by Raytheon, and designed specifically to engage middle school students in math and science.  It offers games, scholarship information, and much more.  Students can register to earn credits with their games, or they can play as guests.  Even clicking on different links on this site produces interesting visuals that are sure to catch the attention of kids and grownups alike.