Creative Thinking, Education, K-12, Problem Solving

Turning Your Assumptions Upside Down

photo credit: Dom Dada via photopin cc

After referring to author Michael Michalko in yesterday’s post, I thought I would include another resource from him that I found on The Creativity Post a couple of weeks ago.  In this article, “Turning Your Assumptions Upside Down“, Michalko gives some wonderful examples of ways to solve problems by “considering the opposite of any subject or action”.  I would love to use his restaurant example with my students, and to then have them use this thinking process with a fun thought exercise, like coming up with our general assumptions about a toy store or a car or a board game, and then asking them to reverse those assumptions to develop new, creative ideas.

I also would like to see a few movers and shakers turn their assumptions “upside down” to revolutionize our schools…

3-12, Creative Thinking, Education, Teaching Tools, Websites

Creative Thinking Exercises

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This web page, Creative Thinking Exercises, is part of Michael Michalko’s website.  Michalko is the author of Thinkertoys, and other creativity books.  His Creative Thinking Exercises are short activities that encourage you to challenge your own perceptions.  If you enjoy these, you might want to also take a look at his Thought Experiments.