3-12, Education, Fun Friday, Games, Problem Solving

Stratos Spheres by Thinkfun

When I first opened the Stratos Spheres game from Thinkfun, I didn’t get it.  24 yellow and blue spheres tumbled out along with a white one.  It looked kind of boring, to be honest – which was surprising to me considering the source.  I’ve reviewed many Thinkfun games and none of them have been boring.  I was a little worried that I would even find someone to try this two-player game out with me.

Two enthusiastic third-graders who visit my classroom every Friday before school had no problem giving the game a try.  At first, they weren’t even interested in the game; they just wanted to build with the spheres.  They were completely entertained by using their imaginations with the pieces, and might have played like that for 30 minutes if I hadn’t suggested playing the actual game.

Stratos Spheres is similar to Connect 4 in that you are trying to get 4 of your color in a row, and the other player can block you with his or her color.  However, Stratos Spheres “rows” are 3-dimensional.  This gives you more choices for building your row of 4, which can also be diagonal.  Play starts with one player connecting a colored piece to the white sphere, and alternates back and forth until someone creates a row or you both run out of spheres.

Stratos Spheres by Thinkfun
Stratos Spheres by Thinkfun

The spheres have connectors on their sides that can also be used to block.  Players cannot remove a sphere once it is placed, which means that a perfect spot for your piece might be blocked by a piece by a connector.  This can be frustrating, but can also be used to your advantage.

Winning is tricky.  Sometimes you can win without even knowing it. One of my students was examining the connected spheres from every angle to decide his next play when someone pointed out to him that his opponent had already won.  He’s not the only one this has happened to, apparently, as you can see in this video review of the game from “Dad Does.”

I am terrible at this game.  My fourth graders easily beat me.  This, of course, made me want to play even more – because I needed to earn back my street cred.  However, we had some actual academic work that needed to be completed, so we haven’t had a chance, yet, for the number of re-matches it will take for me to improve.

Stratos Spheres is only $9.99, which is pretty good for a game that is light and can easily be transported in the supplied bag.  Road trips or plane flights might be more palatable for kids 8 and up with this game to keep them occupied.

For more game recommendations, including several from Thinkfun, check out this Pinterest Board.  With summer just around the corner, you’re probably going to want to stock up!

Full Disclosure – I received a free copy of this game from Thinkfun to review.  However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Art, Education, Fun Friday

Spectacular Sculptures

One app that I use for digital curation is Flipboard.  This app allows me to create my own digital magazines where I can collect links on various themes.  My “Fun Friday” magazine, for example, is where I add anything that looks cool, but isn’t especially educational.  As I was going through “Fun Friday” this week, I noticed that several articles were about unusual types of sculptures, so I decided to do a themed Phun Phriday post today:

Hollow: What Rushes Through Every Mind, image from the Mori Art Museum on Flickr.  Creative Commons License
Hollow: What Rushes Through Every Mind, image from the Mori Art Museum on Flickr. Creative Commons License
Creative Thinking, Education, Fun Friday, Science

So You Thought You Knew How to Make a Paper Airplane

Now this is a good way to spend your time with Legos! Happy Phun Phriday!

Education, Fun Friday, Videos

Air Conditioner Differentiation

I want to thank my good friend and colleague, Angela, for letting me know about the existence of the Gerry Brooks videos.  For your Phun Phriday, take a look at Gerry’s recent advice to presidential candidates on how the government can save money.  Teachers will certainly appreciate this video!

Education, Fun Friday, Videos

Jack Hanna Can Now Retire

My family and I have gotten a kick out of watching Will Ferrell’s debut as Stephen Colbert’s new animal expert on the Late Show. I’ve watched it four times now, and still can’t stop laughing.  There are some very rare, fierce animals out there that are deceptively cute!  If you need to smile this Phun Phriday, check out the video clip below.

Mongolian Bush Tiger
Will Ferrell teaches Stephen Colbert and the audience about the “Mongolian Bush Tiger.”
Education, Fun Friday, K-12, Videos

OK. Seriously. How DO You Get to Sesame Street?

Today’s Phun Phriday post is a series of adorable videos in which Jimmy Fallon collaborated with the Sesame Street characters.  In this one, Jimmy and the Roots get together with the gang to sing the theme song for the show.  There’s a cool rap added in the middle to make it a bit more 21st century 🙂

screen shot from Sesame Street Hashtags
screen shot from Sesame Street Hashtags

Maybe, when you were a kid, you got very frustrated by that unanswered question, “Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?”  If so, you’re apparently in good company.  You can see the Sesame Street characters read a tweet about this and some other #WhenIwasaKid tweets on this next video. (By the way, #WhenIwasaKid, I totally believed that people lived inside my television set just so they could perform for me. I couldn’t understand how they all fit.)

Tonight Show Celebrity Photobomb with Sesame Street Characters is my favorite video of the 3.  Jimmy and several other puppets deliberately photobomb some photos of extremely cute youngsters. The photobombs are hilarious, but the reactions of the kids once they find out are particularly priceless.

Have a great Friday!